Development Guide

Some notes on development:

  • Features will be added on a needs basis.
  • Code should be tested, documented, and organized.
  • Naming schemes should follow the precedent of the PORTA software.


Please reach out to if you are interested in making a contribution to XPORTA.jl.


All commits should be tested. Tests may be run from the command line,

$ julia test/runtests.jl

or via Pkg (within the julia REPL),

julia> ]test XPORTA

Note: the ] character invokes Pkg REPL (@v#.#) pkg>.

Test Types

  • Unit Tests test/unit/ - verify the behavior and logic of julia methods.
  • Integration Tests test/integration - verify file IO and binary execution.
  • Regression Tests test/regression/ - verify the correctness of end-to-end functionality.


All features should be documented. Documentation is created using the Documenter.jl framework.

To build docs locally, run

$ julia docs/make.jl

To locally host the docs website, navigate to /docs/build and run

$ python3 -m http.server --bind localhost